Below are a few questions you should ask yourself before participating in any physical activity:
General Disclaimer for Method Physio Exercise Classes
- Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition or lung problem, and should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
- Do you usually get short of breath with very light exertion?
- Do you ever get chest pressure or discomfort with moderate or vigorous activity?
- Do you ever lose balance or get dizziness during physical activity?
- Are there any other medical conditions that I should consider before performing physical activity?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we recommend that you visit your GP before participating in any of our exercise classes.
If the activity seems too rigorous for you, please take a break. You are encouraged to move at a pace that feels comfortable for you at all times.
When participating in any exercise or physical activity program there is a possibility of physical injury, and choosing to engage in this exercise or exercise program is done at your own risk.