

Classes will start from Monday 17th or Monday 24th (due to weather stoppages) 2025

If you book a second course of classes during the same block; a 50% discount is applied to cheapest class course (e.g. You book a 6 week reformer and a 6 week Mat class the Mat is reduced by 50%) ; must be the same participant can not be used for another person.

We appreciate your continued support, and we would like to make the process for making up classes as easy and as fair as possible. Please note it is not always possible to make up classes. It is the responsibility of the person booking the classes to be able to attend all classes where possible. We will make every attempt to help you make up classes, but it is not a guarantee only a goodwill gesture we offer in the clinic.

From January 2024 if you are going to miss a class/classes follow steps below:
1. Give a minimum of 24 hours noticed – Anything less than 24 hours’ notice will mean we won’t be able to accommodate you.
2. Email the dates you will miss to
3. The team will then send dates that are available (note it may not be the same type of class you originally booked)
4. Confirm what date suits within 24 hours of email from team; so, you can be added to that class
5. If you know in advance you can pop into reception and speak with Tara on Mondays or Thursday 8am to 1pm only

In-studio Group Classes

Class DetailsType/DayCostBook
Express reformer from 24th Feb for 4 weekson @7.15am MondayBeginners, Reformer, Classes, Monday70.00
Blast Reformer 30 mins Mondays from 24th Feb for 4 weeks at 8am with RenataBeginners, Reformer, Classes, Monday70.00
Reformer Pilates Monday from 24th Feb for 4 weeks @10am with RenataBeginners, Reformer, Classes, Monday85.00
Bone Health Class` at ALL IN FITNESS 4 weeks Mon from 17th Feb 12 / middayRehab, Classes, Monday70.00
Beginners Mat Tuesday 18th Feb at 10am for 6 weeks with ConorBeginners, Mat, Classes, Tuesday97.50
Gentle Flow Yoga starting Tuesdays at 5pm for 6 weeks from 18th Feb with MarieBeginners, Mat, Classes, Tuesday97.50
Intermediate Mat Pilates 5 weeks from 18th Feb Tuesday at 7pmIntermediate, Mat, Classes, Tuesday81.25
Reformer Pilates, 6 weeks on Wednesday at 6pm from 19th FebBeginners, Intermediate, Reformer, Classes, Wednesday127.50
Intermediate Mat class Wednesday at 7pm from 6 weeks from 19th FebIntermediate, Mat, Classes, Wednesday97.50
Beginners/Intermediate Express reformer Wed 8th Jan 2025 for 5 weeks @8am with ShannonBeginners, Reformer, Classes, Wednesday87.50
Beginners/Intermediate Mat Pilates Wednesday 10am 19th Feb for 6 weeks with AoifeBeginners, Mat, Classes, Wednesday97.50
Bone Health Class at ALL IN FITNESS Mon from 17th Feb for 4 weeks @11amRehab, Classes, Monday70.00
Express Intermediate Reformer Pilates for 6 weeks from 18th Feb Tuesday at 7.30am with AoifeReformer, Classes, Tuesday105.00
Express Reformer Pilates, Thursdays at 8.15am from 27th Feb 2025 for 6 weeks with RenataReformer, Classes, Thursday87.50
Express Reformer Pilates, Thursdays at 9.15am from 27th Feb for 5 weeks with RenataReformer, Classes, Thursday87.50
Beginners Mat Thursday 20th Feb at 6pm with ShannonBeginners, Intermediate, Classes, Thursday97.50
Bone Health Class 6 week course starting 20th Feb 2025at ALL IN FITNESS Thurs @11am with ConorRehab, Classes, Thursday105.00
Bone Health Class at ALL IN FITNESS; 11am Fridays from 28th Feb 6 weeks`with ConorRehab, Classes, Friday105.00
Bone Health Class at ALL IN FITNESS; 12/midday Fridays from 28th Feb 5 weeks`with ConorRehab, Classes, Friday87.50
Gentle Flow Yoga, Starts 28th Feb for 5 weeks Fridays at 1.50pm with MarieBeginners, Mat, Classes, Friday81.25
Beginner Mat Class Friday 28th Feb for 4 weeks@11am with ShannonBeginners, Classes, Friday65.00


Monday Express Reformer 7.15amRenatta
Monday30 min Blast reformer8.00amRenatta
MondayExpress Reformer 9.15amRenatta
MondayReformer 11.00Renatta
MondayBone Health Class @ All in Fitness Gym 11amConor
MondayBone Health Class @ All in Fitness Gym12pmConor
MondayMen's Only Mat6pmShannon
MondayBeginners/Intermediate Mat7pmShannon
TuesdayIntermediate Express Reformer7.30amAoife
TuesdayBeginners Mat10amConor
TuesdayGentle Yoga Flow 5pmMarie
Tuesday Beginners Mat6pmShannon
TuesdayIntermediate Mat7pmPeter
Wednesday Beginners/Express Reformer8amShannon
WednesdayBeginners/Intermediate Mat10amAoife
WednesdayIntermediate Mat7pmPeter
Wednesday Reformer8pmPeter
ThursdayExpress Reformer08:15Renatta
ThursdayExpress Reformer09:20Renatta
Thursday Reformer 11amRenatta
Thursday Bone Health Class @ All in Fitness Gym11amConnor
Thursday Beginners Mat6pmShannon
Thursday Reformer 7pmShannon
FridayBeginners/Express Reformer7.30amShannon
FridayBeginners/Intermediate Mat11amShannon
Friday Bone Health Class @ All in Fitness Gym 11amConor
FridayBone Health Class @ All in Fitness Gym12pmConor
FridayGentle Yoga Flow 1.50pmMarie

In-studio One-on-One Classes